【出 处】
As a key technique in deep space navigation, radio interferometry can be used to determine the accurate location of a spacecraft in the plane-of-sky by measuring its signal propagation time delay betw
当地时间2021年6月19日,西非国家经济共同体(ECOWAS,简称“西共体”)的15个成员国在加纳举行了第59届首脑会议。会后,西共体委员会主席、科特迪瓦籍经济学家布鲁1(jean-Claude Kassi Brou)宣布,西共体15个成员国的领导人对西共体统一货币的路线图终于达成了一致意见:到2027年,西共体将会放弃使用各国各自的货币及西非法郎,统一发行新的货币,并以西共体简称命名这种新的统一货币为“埃克”(Eco)。
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) is the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world. In this paper, we apply photogrammetry to measure local area surface accuracy of the FAST main reflector. Contrast with the existing p
Solar flare prediction plays an important role in understanding and forecasting space weather.The main goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager(HMI), one of the instruments on NASA\s Solar Dynamics Observatory, is to study the origin of solar variabi
Ice lines as the origin for the gap/ring structure in protoplanetary disks: the issue of the assumed
Gaps and rings are commonly seen in recent high-resolution ALMA observations of protoplanetary disks. Ice lines of volatiles are one of the mechanisms proposed to explain the origin for these substructures. To examine the ice line hypothesis, literature s
Effect of Two Kinds of Similarity Factors on Principal Component Analysis Fault Detection in Air Con
Screening similar historical fault-free candidate data would greatly affect the effectiveness of fault detection results based on principal component analysis(PCA).In order to find out the candidate data,this study compares unweighted and weighted similar