土耳其塔拉西斯公司在伊斯坦布尔市工业园区的厂房内再建一条热轧非织材料的生产线 ,工厂为此将新增 5 0 0 0m2 厂房。该公司目前已在生产热熔粘合衬、卫生巾包覆料和涂层基布等产品。新建的热轧非织材料生产线的工作宽度5 1m ,包括五台特吕茨施勒尔公司的开包机 ,一套气流?
Tarasis Turkey will build a hot-rolled non-woven material production line in the plant of Istanbul Industrial Park. The factory will add 500,000 m2 of factory building. The company is currently producing hot-melt adhesive linings, sanitary napkin covers, and coated fabrics. The newly-built hot-rolled non-woven material production line has a working width of 51m, including five Trujsch Scheller turnkeys.