
来源 :北大法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duzitengnihaoma
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我国第三次修订之后的《专利法》第48条第2款规定了因为被认定为垄断行为而实施强制许可的情况。但新的专利强制许可制度在《专利法》体系下适用时,存在一方面无法有效规制特定行为,另一方面无法合理限定强制许可适用范围的问题。因而有必要重新审视因构成垄断而实施专利强制许可的制度。该款所规定的强制许可依赖于垄断行为的成立,因此,通过《反垄断法》相关制度的完善来改进其适用是最佳的方案。反垄断法核心设施理论包含了谨慎理念以及严格的适用条件,是衔接《反垄断法》以及《专利法》第48条第2款的合适制度,能更好地实现促进竞争并保护创新的目的。 Paragraph 2 of Article 48 of the Patent Law after the third revision of our country stipulates that the compulsory license is imposed because it is deemed to be a monopoly. However, when the new system of compulsory licensing of patents is applied under the “Patent Law” system, there are problems that the specific behaviors can not be effectively regulated on the one hand and the scope of application of compulsory licenses can not reasonably be restricted on the other hand. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the system of imposing compulsory licensing of patents because of the formation of a monopoly. The compulsory licensing stipulated in that paragraph relies on the establishment of monopoly acts. Therefore, it is the best plan to improve its application through the improvement of relevant systems of the AML. The antitrust law core facility theory contains the concept of cautiousness and strict application conditions. It is the appropriate system to link the antitrust law and Article 48 (2) of the Patent Law so as to better achieve the goal of promoting competition and protecting innovation .