粉碎“四人帮”后社会上曾经流传“文革”中红极一时的毛远新拒捕身亡的消息,其实,他当时被捕下狱.1989年,经中央特许,毛被释放出狱. 毛远新生于1940年,是毛泽东主席的胞弟毛泽民的儿子.1965年,他从哈尔滨军事工程学院毕业.1969年,被任命为辽宁省革委会副主任兼沈阳军区政委. 1972年12月,毛远新与工人出身的上海姑娘全秀凤结婚,时年毛远新32岁,而全则刚满20岁.1976年“四人帮”粉碎后,全秀凤向党组织表示:一是和毛远新离婚;二是将她与毛远新怀下的
In fact, Mao was arrested and sentenced to death in 1989 when Central Commission conferred permission to release Mao from prison. Mao Yuanxin was born in 1940 as the son of Mao Zedong, brother of Chairman Mao Zedong and graduated from Harbin Institute of Military Engineering in 1965. He was appointed as the deputy director of Shenyang Revolutionary Committee and political commissar of Shenyang Military Region in 1969. December 1972 Mao Yuanxin was married to a Shanghai girl who was originally a worker and all dressed in Xiufeng. At that time, Mao Yuanxin was 32 years old and the whole body was just over 20. After the smashing of the “gang of four” in 1976, Quan Xiufeng said to the party organizations: Is to divorce Mao Yuanxin; the second is to her and Mao Yuanxin pregnant