瑞典皇家科学院2015年10月6日宣布,将2015年度诺贝尔物理学奖授予日本科学家梶田隆章(Takaaki Kajita)以及加拿大科学家阿瑟·麦克唐纳(Arthur B.McDonald),以表彰他们发现中微子振荡的现象从而证实了中微子有质量.诺贝尔物理学奖委员会称,两位得奖人的实验证实了中微子在传播的过程中发生了振荡,这种振荡的发生需要中微子有质量,揭开了中微子的谜团也为粒子物理学带来了新的突破.本文对中微子振荡之谜作简要介绍,并就这两位诺贝尔物理学奖得主对发现中微子振荡的贡献作一评述,同时简要介绍中国正在进行的中微子科学实验.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced on October 6, 2015 the award of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics to Japanese scientist Takaaki Kajita and Canadian scientist Arthur B. McDonald in recognition of their finding that China Microelectronics The phenomenon of sub-oscillation thus confirms the quality of neutrinos.Nobel Prize in Physics said the two winners experiments confirmed the oscillation of neutrinos in the process of transmission, the occurrence of such oscillations need to micro The quality of the son, opened the mystery of neutrinos also brought a new breakthrough for particle physics.In this paper, we briefly introduce the mystery of neutrino oscillation, and in the discovery of the two Nobel Prize winners Make a comment on the contributions of microtubules and briefly introduce China’s ongoing experiments on neutrino science.