第六届全军麻醉与复苏学术会议于1992年10月5日至10日在成都召开。大会共收到论文481篇,收入汇编271篇。大会邀请海研所、西葳军区总医院、第一军医大学南方医院、华西医大一附院的4位专家作了有关海洋、高原生理及常用监测原理的新进展等方面的专题报告。现将会议论文综述如下: 1 创(战)伤麻醉与复苏
The Sixth Army Anesthesia and Resuscitation Symposium was held in Chengdu from October 5-10, 1992. The conference received a total of 481 papers, income compilation of 271 articles. The conference invited special experts from the Institute of Coastal Research, the General Hospital of Xijie Military Region, the Nanfang Hospital of First Military Medical University, and the First Affiliated Hospital of Huaxi Medical University to make special reports on the latest advances in oceanography, plateau physiology and commonly used monitoring principles. Present conference papers are summarized as follows: 1 (war) wound anesthesia and recovery