在秀美的匡庐脚下,在浩瀚的鄱 湖之滨,一座充满朝气的城市正拔地 而起,她就是中国青年创业的典 范——江西省共青城。这里是国家级 生态示范区、候鸟保护区和全国青少 年教育基地,滨湖风光、珍禽白鹤等 自然景观和青年文化、湖鲜美食的人 文特色相互媲美,令人流连忘返。 全国发展经济的一面旗帜 这是一片神奇的土地——50年 前,98位上海青年志愿者响应党中 央的号召,高举“向困难进军,把荒 地变成良田”的旗帜,踏上了这片荆 棘丛生、芦苇密布的土地,从此掀开 了共青城第一代拓荒者艰苦创业的篇 章。50年后的今天,这里已经建设 成为一座高楼林立,街道纵横,“鸭 鸭”驰名,美酒飘香的新兴城市。
At the foot of the beautiful Marina Kuang, at the foot of the vast Pohu Lake, a city full of vitality is rising up. She is a model of China’s youth entrepreneurship - Gongqingcheng of Jiangxi Province. Here is a national ecological demonstration zone, migratory bird reserve and the National Youth Education Base, Binhu scenery, rare birds and white cranes and other natural landscapes and youth culture, humane food humane features comparable to each other, it is memorable. Fifty years ago, 98 Shanghai youth volunteers responded to the call of the Party Central Committee and held high the banner of “marching toward difficulties and turning badlands into fertile fields.” They set foot on this piece of film Thorny, reed-covered land, from the beginning of the pioneering pioneers of Komsomol city arduous pioneering chapter. Today, 50 years later, it has been built into an emerging city with high buildings, vertical and horizontal streets, well-known “duck-duck” and fragrant wine.