广州市对外经济律师事务所:你所于10月13日报送的《关于 JacklyHoldings Limited 申请于香港联合交易所有限公司主板上市的法律意见书》收悉。经审阅,函复如下:该法律意见书陈述的主要事实和意见如下:一、Jackly Holdings Limited(美吉利国际控股有限公司,简称“美吉利”)于2000年8月在开曼注册成立,主营业务系设计、生产及销售地毯。其最终股东系林日升、黄丁祥及梁宝汉,分别持股87%、9%及4%。上述三人均为出生在香港的香港永久居民,
Foreign Economic Law Firm of Guangzhou Municipality: You have received your “Legal Opinion on Applying for Jackly Holdings Limited to List on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited” on October 13. Upon review, the reply is as follows: The main facts and opinions set out in the legal opinion statement are as follows: 1. Jackly Holdings Limited (美 吉利 國 际 控股 有限公司, “美 吉利”) was incorporated in Cayman in August 2000 , The main business is the design, production and sale of carpets. Its ultimate shareholders, namely Lam Yat Sing, Huang Ding Xiang and Leung Po Hon, hold 87%, 9% and 4% respectively. All three of the above are Hong Kong permanent residents born in Hong Kong.