The transgenic Bt cotton cultivated in China (Bt cotton) was used to systematically determine the insecticidal activity and growth inhibitory effect of Bt cotton leaves on different instar larvae of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). The results showed that the insecticidal activity of Bt cotton tended to decrease with the increase of the age, of which the treatment of 3d only had a higher effect on the first instar larvae; the pupae could not be pupated after continuous feeding of Bt cotton from the first to the fourth instar. , 5th instar larvae can normalize pupae. The ratio of body weight to initial body weight of 3rd instar larvae feeding on Bt cotton leaf for 3 days was 0.94, while the corresponding ratio of feeding conventional cotton leaf was 5.48, which significantly inhibited the growth of larvae. At 28 ℃, Bt cotton was used to feed 3d instar larvae of 1st and 3rd instar larvae of Helicoverpa armigera, the lethality to larvae was significantly higher than that of 25 ℃, and the inhibitory effect on 3rd instar larvae was also significantly increased. The results provide the basis for the determination of cotton bollworm resistance to Bt cotton monitoring and management techniques and field application of Bt cotton technology.