This article states that the tachnique of ~(51)Cr-labelled frog redblood cells can be applied to studying acceleration physiology tomeasure the effects of +3Gz acceleration on regional blood flow oforgans in anesthetized rabbits.The results show that the coronaryblood flow of anesthetized rabbits was unchanged during +3Gzstress.However,the blood flow of the brain,liver,stomach,smallintestines,renal cortex and medulla was markedly reduced,especially,that of the renal cortex was decreased by 96.57% as compared withthe control group.The study indicates that it is appropriate to applybiological microsphere technique to the study of acceleration physi-ology.
This article states that the tachnique of ~ (51) Cr-labeled frog redblood cells can be applied to studying acceleration physiology to measure the effects of + 3Gz acceleration on regional blood flow oforgans in anesthetized rabbits. The results show that the coronary flow flow of anesthetized rabbits was unchanged during + 3Gzstress.However, the blood flow of the brain, liver, stomach, small intestines, renal cortex and medulla was markedly reduced, especially, that of the renal cortex was decreased by 96.57% as compared with the control group.The study suggests that it is appropriate to applybiological microsphere technique to the study of acceleration physiology.