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早就在欧洲引起轰动近两年,关于不同文化比较的学术著作甚是时兴,国内也在积极寻找近代中西文化交流和文化比较实践的先驱。在这个领域,辜鸿铭、林语堂二人的名字早已为国人所熟知,他们的外文著作被译成中文出版后,进入了多家书店的畅销书排行榜。而另一位用西方文字创作的中国作家陈季同(1852—1907),在国内却长期鲜为人知。其实,早于辜、林二位数十年,陈季同的法文著作就已经在法国引起轰动,而且多次再版(其中《中国人自画像》两年内曾再版11次),并被翻译成英、德、意大利、西班牙、丹麦等多种语言。畅销欧美。西方人对中国妄加评论曾几何时,在欧洲人的心目中,中国是一个令人向往的国度:国土辽阔、人民富足、政治开明。19世纪以前,在诸如马可·波罗的游记、来华传教士的书简、伏尔泰的历史书等许多著作中都能找到各种对中国的赞美之辞。可是到了19世纪,中国在西方的美好形象急转直下。西 Already caused a sensation in Europe for nearly two years, the academic writings on the comparison of different cultures are very fashionable, and the country is also actively looking for the pioneers of modern Chinese and Western cultural exchanges and cultural practices. In this area, the names of Ku Hung-ming and Lin Yutang, long known to the Chinese people, have been translated into Chinese and have entered the bestseller lists of many bookstores. Yet another Chinese writer, Chen Jitong (1852-1907), written in western style, was little known in China for a long time. In fact, as early as Koo and Lin, two decades ago, Chen Jitong’s French writings have caused a sensation in France and have been republished many times (among them, “Chinese people’s self-portraits” were reprinted 11 times in two years) and translated into English and German , Italy, Spain, Denmark and other languages. Popular in Europe and America. At a time when Westerners made improper comments on China, in the eyes of Europeans, China is a desirable country: vast territory, rich people and political enlightenment. Before the 19th century, various writings on China were found in many books, such as Marco Polo’s travelogue, the book of missionaries to China, and the history books of Voltaire. However, in the 19th century, the good image of China in the West was rapidly deteriorating. oo
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1 引言水工建筑物是用来控制水流、利用水资源为人类服务的工程设施,而闸门则是其中用来凋节、控制水流的主要设备。在一座水工建筑物上至少设置有一套闸门,一座大型水利枢