(1)单味牛蒡子治疗慢性鼻窦炎取牛蒡子20克,先用冷水浸泡1小时,然后,用文火分别煎煮2次,每次15分钟。两煎药液合在一起,取药液频服,每日1剂,连服7日为1个疗程,一般1~2个疗程即可痊愈。使用本方时要辨证施治,由于牛蒡子为辛凉解表药,具有疏散风热、解毒透疹、利咽消肿之功,本方对风热及阳热亢盛者疗效满意,对阴寒内盛者或阳气亏损者疗效欠佳。经临床实践证实,牛蒡子对鼻腔粘膜充血、肿胀有良好治疗作用,实为通鼻窍,治鼻病之要药。 (2)单味枳实治疗顽固性偏头痛取枳实50克,加水200毫升,煎取50毫升,过滤。连煎3次,将3次药汁混匀后代茶频饮,连服10
(1) Single-flavored burdock root treats chronic sinusitis 20 grams of burdock fruit is soaked in cold water for 1 hour. Then, it is decocted twice with slow fire for 15 minutes. The two decoction liquids together, take the liquid frequency service, 1 day, even for 7 days for a course of treatment, usually 1 to 2 courses can be cured. When using this prescription, it is necessary to treat syndromes and symptoms. Because the burdock root is a cool and clear surface medicine, it has the functions of evacuating wind and heat, detoxifying and removing rash, and relieving swelling and swelling. This side is satisfied with the effects of wind-heat and yang-heating. Yin Yang cold Sheng Yang or loss of yang poor efficacy. The clinical practice confirmed that burdock fruit has a good therapeutic effect on nasal mucosal hyperemia and swelling, and it is a good way to control nasal diseases. (2) Monosobium scutellariae to treat obstinate migraine. Take 50 g of gargle, add 200 ml of water, simmer 50 ml, and filter. Even fried 3 times, 3 times concoction mixed offspring tea frequency drink, and even served 10