Snow or snow on the human or animal activity information related to the winter animal tracking migration, personnel activity track detection, security and defense applications, the use of remote sensing technology to monitor human or animal traces of activity can be timely grasp of the relocation of animals, Jiang personnel range of activities Information, which in turn can provide the basis for the appropriate management decisions. The use of high resolution remote sensing technology, through image filtering and other enhancement processing, can identify the traces of weak linear disturbances caused by the movement of people and animals in the snow-covered area, which can be used for subsequent analysis. A method of monitoring the disturbance traces in winter and snow covered area by using Gaussian differential filter (DoG) is proposed. Experiments on the traces of activities on the icing river in Longjing City, Jilin Province show that when σ is taken as 1.5, the frequency of DoG band-pass filtering is the same as the frequency of human over-river traces, and the effect of trace enhancement is most obvious. In this case, the filter is the best The overall accuracy of the filter and trace extraction is 83.67%, which is better than the traditional Laplacian, Sobel and Prewitt filter methods. Description DoG filter processing can effectively highlight human or animal traces of snow on the snow, which can be used to further identify the type of human or animal activity, follow-up routes and the security patrols of relevant departments.