康氏粉蚧在苹果树上为害枝干及果实,在无袋栽培果园很少发生,在套袋果园发生量较高,严重园片可达20%~30%以上。严重地影响了果实商品率。因此,苹果套袋果园,必须防治好康氏粉蚧。 一、为害症状 康氏粉蚧以成虫和若虫以刺吸式口器吸食寄主枝干、幼芽、嫩枝、叶片、果实和根部汁液。嫩枝被害后常肿胀,树皮纵裂而枯死;前期为害果实呈畸形,后期
Cornish mealybugs harm the apple tree branches and fruits, rarely occur in bagless orchards, bagging orchards occur in high volume, severe Park up to 20% to 30%. Seriously affected the rate of fruit products. Therefore, apple bagging orchards, Kang control mealybugs must be controlled. First, the damage symptoms Kang’s mealybug to adults and nymphs sucking mouthparts host host stems, sprouts, shoots, leaves, fruits and roots juice. Tender branches often swell, bark longitudinal split and dead; pre-harmful fruit was deformed, the late