
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoguopu
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2016年百草枯表现以清淡弱势为主。截止到4月底,我国百草枯交投淡稳,价格继续探底。从价格方面看,百草枯价格继续探底,220升装42%母液从12500~13000元/吨下行至12000~12500元/吨。从供应方面看,整体供应量下滑。尤其是在2月,有春节假期,供应量锐减。从目前需求市场看,市场有询单,部分工厂手中有订单可执行。百草枯量、价继续下行从今年前四个月来看,我国百草枯保价和实际成交价均走低。220升装 Paraquat in 2016 was mainly weak and light. As of the end of April, the turnover of paraquat in our country was steady and the price continued to bottom out. From the price perspective, the price of paraquat continue to bottom out, 220 liters of 42% mother liquor from 12500 ~ 13000 yuan / ton down to 12000 ~ 12500 yuan / ton. From the supply side, the overall supply declined. Especially in February, during the Spring Festival holiday, the supply dropped sharply. From the current demand market, the market has a single inquiry, some factories in the hands of the order can be implemented. Paraquat volume, prices continue to decline From the first four months of this year, the price of paraquat in China and the actual transaction prices are lower. 220 liters loaded
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天边有一颗流星划过。 女孩合拢双手,许了个心愿。 女孩哭了,泪滴悄然从她天真纯 洁的脸颊划过,滴在心里,此时,她仿 佛被揉碎了,吞噬了,刺穿了,淹没了 女孩只能用不着边际的
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山有峰峦雄伟的泰山,有 红叶似火的香山。古往今来,人 们总喜欢用各种动听的名字来 修饰山,让我听了魂牵梦萦,更 激起了我心中登山的欲望。 虽然我从出生到现在,始 There is
我已是一个初中二年级的学 生了,人生之路虽未走多,但也结 交了不少朋友,最令我信任和敬 爱的可要数与我相处4年的“大朋 友”了。 当我还是一个小学二年级学 生的时候,她就
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如果有这样的歌词:“让我们荡起友谊的双桨……”拥有友谊真好。 那天,烈日当头,太阳像火一样炙烤着大地,大街上的人们大都汗流 浃背,而我和小伙伴却悠闲地走在大街上,好像还