许多疾病的发生过程中都伴有炎症反应。除感染性疾病(如中毒性休克、败血症)、移植排斥反应外,还包括多种与免疫异常相关的疾病,如类风湿性关节炎( RA)、克隆氏病( Crohn’s disease)、过敏性疾病、多发性硬化( MS)以及银屑病等。这些疾病的发病机制虽然不同,但病程中往往伴随着
Many diseases are accompanied by an inflammatory reaction during their development. In addition to infectious diseases (such as toxic shock, sepsis), transplant rejection, but also include a variety of diseases associated with immune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Crohn’s disease, allergic diseases , Multiple sclerosis (MS) and psoriasis. The pathogenesis of these diseases, although different, but the disease is often accompanied by