【摘 要】
Planar Hall effect (PHE) is introduced to investigate the magnetization reversal process in single-crystalline iron film grown on Si (001) substrate. Owing to t
Planar Hall effect (PHE) is introduced to investigate the magnetization reversal process in single-crystalline iron film grown on Si (001) substrate. Owing to the domain structure of iron film and the characteristics of PHE, the magnetization switches sharply in an angular range of the exteal field for two steps of 90? domain wall displacement and one step of 180?domain wall displacement near the easy axis, respectively. However, the magnetization reversal process near hard axis is completed by only one step of 90? domain wall displacement and then rotates coherently. The magnetization reversal process mechanism near the hard axis seems to be a combination of coherent rotation and domain wall displacement. Furthermore, the domain wall pinning energy and uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy can also be derived from the PHE measurement.
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In order to explore the novel application of the transparent hole-transporting material 5,10,15-tribenzyl-5H-diindolo[3,2-a:3′,2′-c]-carbazole (TBDI), in this
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<正> 1906年(清光绪三十二年丙午) 1月17日(乙巳年十二月二十三日):宋教仁偕何小柳赴东京新智分社会晤该社社长宫崎德太郎,联系委托该社上海分社代销《民报》事宜,以“《民报》内容太激烈”,没有达成协议。 1月19日:上海《大陆》半月刊自即日出版的第三卷第二十三号起宣告停刊。 1月22日:《民报》第二期出版。这一期《民报》所刊朱执信的《德意志社会革命家小传》一文,介绍了马克思、恩格斯的生平及学说,略云:“前乎马尔克(即马克思)言社会主义而攻击资本者亦大有人,然能言其毒害之所由来,与谋所以