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供水企业的生产经营状况日趋紧张。增收节支是企业经营管理的重中之重,如何加强供水企业成本控制成为关系企业经营目标完成的重要因素之一。成本控制是保证企业顺利完成成本管理目标的重要手段和提高经济效益的重要途径。从自来水企业自身生产经营特点和年度经济责任总目标出发,在保证本年度生产指标顺利完成的基础上,着重对变动成本中的可控成本采取有效控制措施,同时利用新技术降低固定成本是目前我公司在具体工作实 The status of production and operation of water supply enterprises is becoming increasingly tense. Increasing income and reducing expenditure is the most important part of business management. How to strengthen the cost control of water supply enterprises has become one of the important factors in the completion of the business objectives of the enterprise. Cost control is to ensure that enterprises successfully complete the goal of cost management an important means and an important way to improve economic efficiency. Based on the characteristics of production and operation of tap water enterprises and the overall goal of annual economic responsibility, on the basis of ensuring the smooth completion of production indicators for the current year, the Group will focus on effective control over the controllable costs of variable costs and at the same time reduce the fixed costs through new technologies The company is working in concrete work