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室内空间的设计问题,也即是我们常说的室内空间的合理布局与规划,是在固有空间围合的基础上,为了满足人类的基本生理生活需要,而又能进一步的满足人们视觉生理享受,进而填补内心审美需求的一项不可或缺的艺术门类,尤其在物质材料高度发达的今天,其精神性审美层面的需求已远远大于往昔岁月,甚至成为当代室内设计的主流。个性化,时尚化的空间设计作品充斥世界各个角落,既为我们设计师提供了许多成功参照的样本,也为我们提出了许多需要思考的问题。如何更好地进行室内空间设计,使我们的设计趋于合理与规范,如何更好地指导我们的设计者沿着正确的设计道路行走,作为培育设计师摇篮的艺术高校的一名室内教研室教师,出于对学生和社会的良知与义务,针对当代室内空间设计面貌的多样繁杂,本文引入全新的概念理论,以室内设计所涉及当代理论为基础,重新以新视点去理解当下建筑形态,剖析当代室内设计元素,以期达到引导自身室内设计和借鉴他人的现实意义。课程设计的内容有效地解决了对当代室内设计认识视点的问题,明确指出了当代室内设计的新方向,达到指导室内设计教学的根本目的。 Interior space design, that is, we often say that the rational layout and planning of indoor space is based on the enclosed space in order to meet the basic needs of human life, but also to further meet people’s physiological and physiological enjoyment , And then fill the inner aesthetic needs of an indispensable art category, especially in the material highly developed today, the spiritual needs of the aesthetic level is far greater than in the past years, and even become the mainstream of contemporary interior design. Personalized, stylish space design works flooded the world, not only for our designers to provide a number of successful reference samples, but also for us to put forward many questions that need thinking. How to better design interior space, make our design more reasonable and standard, and how to better guide our designers to walk along the right design path as an indoor teaching and research teacher at an art college that fosters designer cradle , For the conscience and obligation of students and society, aiming at the variety and complexity of contemporary indoor space design, this paper introduces a new concept theory, based on the contemporary theory of interior design, re-interprets the current architectural form with a new perspective Contemporary interior design elements, in order to achieve their practical significance to guide their own interior design and learn from others. The content of curriculum design effectively solves the problem of recognizing the contemporary interior design, and clearly points out the new direction of contemporary interior design and achieves the fundamental purpose of guiding interior design teaching.