The phonetic change phenomenon of bisecting yin and yang, turning up in turbidity and turning out all-voiced sound into yangping and sub-voiced sound entering words in “Zhongyuan rhyme” has been confirmed by the modern Chinese dialect and modern dialect Explanation of “Zhongyuan rhyme” era of common language flat sound has been divided into yin and yang two tone, all voiced on the sound has changed to sound, all voiced into the voice of the word has become flat, sub-turbid into voice has changed to sound. The return of the only clear voice is not confirmed by most dialects of Mandarin, indicating that it has its own unique character and is an independent tone. According to Zhou Deqing and related materials, the tone of the common language in the era of “Central Plains” is five tones. The corresponding tone values are YINPING 33, YANGPING 35, SHENG 214, SHENG 51, and Qing 24.