一、森林及其环境价值 森林,是地球上功能最完善、生物生产量最大的陆地生态系统,森林在改善人类生存环境、维护生态平衡方面的巨大功能是其他事物不可取代的,它直接关系到人类的生存和社会的发展与进步。资料表明:一株山毛榉每小时可放出1800克氧,一亩森林每天能吸收67千克二氧化碳,放出49千克氧。同时,它在捕捉浮尘,消毒杀菌、防音遮热等方面的机能也是惊人的。大约每公顷云杉林
First, the forest and its environmental value Forests, the most complete and bio-productive terrestrial ecosystems on earth, the great function of forests in improving human living environment and maintaining ecological balance is irreplaceable, it is directly related to Human survival and social development and progress. Data show that: a beech can release 1,800 grams of oxygen per hour, an acre of forest can absorb 67 kg of carbon dioxide per day, release 49 kg of oxygen. At the same time, it is amazing in catching dust, sterilizing and sterilizing, preventing sound and heat. About one hectare of spruce forest