Late Quaternary Activity of the Chuxiong?Nanhua Fault and the 1680 Chuxiong MS63/4 Earthquake

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyang_8591
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In this paper,according to the results of the satellite imagery interpretation and field investigation,we study the active features and the latest active times of the ChuxiongNanhua fault,the Quaternary basins formation mechanism,and the relationship between the fault and the 1680 Chuxiong M_S6 3/4earthquake. Several Quaternary profiles at Lvhe,Nanhua reveal that the fault has offset the late Pleistocene deposits of the T2 and T3 terraces of Longchuan river, indicating that the fault was obviously active in late Quaternary. The Chuxiong-Nanhua fault has been dominated by dextral strike slip motion in the late Quaternary,with an average rate of 1. 6-2. 0 mm/a. Several pull apart Quaternary basins of Chuxiong,Nanhua,and Ziwu etc. have developed along the fault.The 1680 Chuxiong M_S6 3/4earthquake and several moderate earthquakes have occurred near the fault. The Chuxiong-Nanhua fault are the seismogenic structure of those earthquakes,the latest fault movement was in the late-Pleistocene,and even the Holocene.In large area,the Chuxiong-Nanhua fault and the eastern Qujiang fault and the Shiping fault composed a set of NW-trending oblique orientation active faults,and the motion characteristics are all mainly dextral strike slip. The motion characteristics,like the red river fault of the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block southwestern boundary,are concerned with the escaping movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block. In this paper, according to the results of the satellite imagery interpretation and field investigation, we study the active features and the latest active times of the Chuxiong Nanhua fault, the Quaternary basins formation mechanism, and the relationship between the fault and the 1680 Chuxiong M_S6 3 / 4earthquake. Several Quaternary profiles at Lvhe, Nanhua reveal that the fault has offset the late Pleistocene deposits of the T2 and T3 terraces of Longchuan river, indicating that the fault was obviously active in late Quaternary. The Chuxiong-Nanhua fault has been dominated by dextral strike slip motion in the late Quaternary with an average rate of 1. 6-2. 0 mm / a. Several pull apart Quaternary basins of Chuxiong, Nanhua, and Ziwu etc. have developed along the fault. 1680 Chuxiong M_S6 3 / 4earthquake and several moderate earthquakes have occurred near the fault. The Chuxiong-Nanhua fault are the seismogenic structure of those earthquakes, the latest fault movement was in the late-Pleistocene, and even the Holocene. In large area, the Chuxiong-Nanhua fault and the eastern Qujiang fault and the Shiping fault composed a set of NW-trending oblique orientation active faults, and the motion characteristics are all mainly dextral strike slip. The motion characteristics, like the red river fault of the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block southwestern boundary, are concerned with the escaping movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block.
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对简单图G(V,E),V(Gk)=V(G),E(Gk)=E(G)U{uv|d(u,v)=k},称Gk为G的k次方图,其中d(u,v)表示u,v在G中的距离.设f为用k色时G的正常全染色法,对 uv∈E(G),满足C(u)≠C(v),其中C(u)={
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江泽民在党的十六大政治报告中指出 :“在我们这样一个多民族的发展中大国 ,要把全体人民的意志和力量凝聚起来 ,全面建设小康社会 ,加快推进社会主义现代化 ,必须毫不放松地