1 病例报告患者男,58岁。因肺癌并发脑转移,误服外用“速效止痛拔癌膏”7.5g,该药的主要成分为蜈蚣及蝎毒素。服后出现频繁呕吐,吐物为非血性的胃内容物,躁动不安。四肢抽搐,流涎,继而意识不清,大便失禁。入院时查体:体温35℃,脉搏触不清,血压测不出,呼吸深大,20/min时而呈下颌呼吸,神志不清,躁动,口唇发绀。双肺未闻及干湿啰音。心率167/min,节律齐,无杂音。腹软,肝脾未触及。生理反射存在,病理反射未引出。急
A case report male patient, 58 years old. Concomitant brain metastases due to lung cancer, mistakenly used topical “quick analgesic Cucao cream” 7.5g, the main components of the drug centipede and scorpion toxins. After serving frequent vomiting, vomiting for non-bloody stomach contents, restless. Twitching limbs, drooling, and then unconsciousness, incontinence. Admission examination: body temperature 35 ℃, the pulse touch, the blood pressure can not be measured, deep breathing, 20 / min was jaw breathing, delirious, cyanotic lips. Unhealthy lungs and wet rales. Heart rate 167 / min, rhythm Qi, no noise. Abdomen soft, liver and spleen not touched. Physiological reflex exists, the pathological reflex did not lead. anxious