目前,我们对冠状动脉性心脏病虽然有所了解,但是在很多方面仍值得进一步探索,才能更好地做好防治工作。一、我国冠心病的患病率和发病率是多少? 目前仍然有待进一步探索。从我们单位的资料中,大概可以划分为四个阶段:1.解放前我们认为冠心病是极罕见的,解放前三年的住院病人中,无1例诊断为冠心病。2.在50年代开始逐渐认识这个病,但是只占住院病人的
At present, although we know about coronary heart disease, we still need further exploration in many aspects to better prevent and control it. First, the prevalence and incidence of coronary heart disease in China is how much? Currently remains to be further explored. From our unit information, we can probably be divided into four stages: 1. Before liberation we think that coronary heart disease is extremely rare, three years before the liberation of hospitalized patients, no diagnosis of coronary heart disease. 2. Gradually recognized the disease in the 1950s, but only for inpatients