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人工耳蜗是全聋患者回到有声世界的希望。经过20年来的临床应用,可以看出:由于现阶段理论、材料及科技上的限制,人工耳蜗尚未达到正常人耳蜗对语言理解的要求。这对我们在现有条件下,如何进一步发展此项技术,提出了新的课题。人工耳蜗的的工作原理人工耳蜗是换能器。将接受到声信号转变成电信号,并加以放大、限幅等处理,经电极输送到内耳、刺激听神经产生听觉,即由换能装置、体内电极、连接装置三个部分组成。 Cochlear implants are the hope of all deaf patients to return to a vocal world. After 20 years of clinical application, it can be seen that, due to the current theoretical, material and technological limitations, cochlear implants have not yet reached the level of cochlear comprehension required by normal people. This is our current situation, how to further develop this technology, put forward a new topic. Cochlear implants work The cochlear implants are transducers. Will be accepted into the acoustic signal into electrical signals, and to be amplified, limiting and other processing, the electrode delivery to the inner ear, to stimulate the auditory nerve to produce hearing, that is, by the transducer, the body electrodes, connecting devices composed of three parts.