Economic efficiency is the contrast between economic activity input and output. What we are talking about here means the input of manpower, financial resources and material resources, which we commonly call them, the so-called cost. The output, that is, the effective outcome of “output,” is the benefit. In general, under normal circumstances, there will be output if there is input, and certainly there will be no investment without output. That is, a complete loss has occurred. Output is greater than input for positive returns. The less investment, the more output, the higher the benefit. Conversely, investing more than output is negative. The more inputs, the less output, the lower the profit. It is generally believed that only the material production and economic sectors pay attention to economic benefits and serve as the main indicator of the performance or assessment of production and business activities. However, the economic benefits are not limited to the material production and the economic sector. In the non-material production units and ministries