发挥地税职能作用 促进地方经济发展

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近年来,我县确立了围绕财税抓经济,以税源建设引导经济发展的指导思想,把财政增收作为各级的一项硬任务,坚持以质量和效益为中心,调整优化产业、产品和税源结构,大力培植新的经济增长点,全县经济呈现出持续、快速、健康发展的良好势头。1998年以来,全县国内生产总值年均增长17%,财政收入增长28%。2000年,财政总牧入达到1.6亿元,其中地方财政收入1.2亿元,分别增长13.78%和20.47%。地税部门为地方经济发展做出了较大的贡献。一、发挥地税自身优势,服务地方经济建设聚财是税收的基本功能,1994年7月,税务机构分设以来,临邑县地税部门始终坚持以组织收入为中心,充分发挥税收的聚财职能,为地方经济建设提供了巨额资金保障,有力地促进了经济发展和社会进步。近几年,地税部门进一步 In recent years, our county has established the guiding ideology around fiscal and taxation and economic development and guiding economic development with the construction of tax sources. Financial revenue has been taken as a hard task at all levels. We have insisted on optimizing the structure of industries, products and tax sources with the focus on quality and efficiency , Vigorously cultivate new economic growth point, the county economy showed a sustained, rapid and healthy development of the good momentum. Since 1998, the county’s GDP has increased by an average of 17% annually with a fiscal revenue growth of 28%. In 2000, the total financial herd income reached 160 million yuan, of which 120 million yuan was local fiscal revenue, up 13.78% and 20.47% respectively. Local tax departments for local economic development has made a greater contribution. First, to play their own advantages of land tax, service local economic construction is the basic function of tax revenue, in July 1994, the tax authorities set up since the local tax department of Linyi County always adhere to the organization of revenue as the center, give full play to the tax collection functions, Provided huge financial support for the construction of local economy and effectively promoted economic development and social progress. In recent years, the local tax department further
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