一、绪言 近年来,在西德有三分之一以上煤矿的煤巷掘进实现了机械化,至1977年底,共配备了58台巷道掘进机,由于充分注意了通风技术和安全方面的问题,所以这些机器一直在安全地运转中。 在拟定机械化掘进巷道的通风设备计划时,可分以下三个问题来考虑: 1.在局部通风装置和除尘装置重叠区域的通风; 2.掘进工作面和局部通风装置吹出口之间的通风;
I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, more than one third of coal mines in West Germany have been mechanized coal tunneling. By the end of 1977, a total of 58 tunnel boring machines were provided. Due to adequate attention paid to ventilation technology and safety issues, These machines are always working safely. The following three issues can be considered when formulating a ventilation plan for a mechanized roadway: 1. Ventilation in the overlapping area between the local ventilation system and the dedusting system; 2. Ventilation between the tunneling face and the local ventilation outlet;