由中影集团引进发行的数字3D电影《地心历险记》在北京 UME 国际影城双井店举行隆重的首映式后.已于9月29日与全国广大观众见面。该片在百余家支持数字三维格式影片的影院上映10天.已取得1960万元的票房佳绩.占据了众多影城国庆7天长假票房收入的相当份额.院线、影院反响热烈。根据儒勒·凡尔纳的小说改编的叙事体动作30影片《地心历险记》,在原著的基础上添加了不少现代元素.使之
After the grand premiere of the digital 3D movie “Geocentric Adventure” introduced and introduced by the China Film Group at the Beijing UME International Cinema Shuangjing Branch, it met with a large audience across the country on September 29. The film has been shown in more than 100 cinemas supporting digital three-dimensional films for 10 days and has garnered $ 19.6 million in box office receipts, accounting for a fair share of the seven-day long box-office receipts at National Day celebrations. According to Jules Verne’s novel adaptation of the narrative body action 30 “geocentric adventure”, based on the original added a lot of modern elements so that