现代社会竞争激烈,生活节奏日益加快,需要我们全力以赴面对各种各样的挑战和问题。但长时间精力充沛地工作和生活并非易事。相反,许多人都有过在一段时间内情绪低落、容易疲劳、不愿意运动、失眠、头痛、注意力不集中的经历,有的甚至长期或经常出现这种情况,到医院检查没事,出了医院依旧难受。医学上将这种介于健康和疾病之间的边缘状态称之为“亚健康”状态或“第三状态”。美国一些著名的医学和健康专家对这种现代人的通病进行了研究,提出了一系列简便可行的办法,被誉为无需药品、没有痛苦的“绿色”处方。合理膳食定时“充电” 理想的食谱既要保证人体每日摄入的糖、蛋白质、脂类、矿物质、维生素、纤维素
The fierce competition in modern society and the accelerating pace of life require us to go all out to meet various challenges and problems. But working and living energetically for a long time is not easy. On the contrary, many people have experienced depression, fatigue, unwillingness to exercise, insomnia, headache and inattention over a period of time. Some even experienced this situation in the long run or frequently. The hospital is still uncomfortable. Medically speaking this borderline between health and disease is called “sub-health” status or “third status.” Some well-known medical and health professionals in the United States have studied the common problems of this modern man and have come up with a series of simple and feasible methods, which are reputed to be drug-free and painless “green” prescriptions. Reasonable meal timing “recharge ” The ideal recipe is to ensure that the body daily intake of sugar, protein, lipids, minerals, vitamins, cellulose