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今年年初以来,全球经济增长趋缓的阴影开始蔓延到电信设备制造业。投资过度、盈利指标恶化、信用等级下降、现金周转困难,使多年来一直稳健发展的电信设备制造企业遭遇了一场前所未有的震荡。据有关媒体调查显示,在今年年初的3个月内,全球电信行业宣布的裁员总数已近30万。日前,电信设备制造企业陆续公布了最新季度财务报表,从报表提供的数据看,许多跨国公司仍未摆脱衰退困境。有关人士预测,全球电信设备制造企业目前仍然未跌到谷底,企业投资疲软的状况可能要持续到今年年底。在这种形势下,如何看待全球电信设备市场的现状?如何预测全球电信设备市场的未来趋势?电信设备制造企业应如何调整自身以应对市场的变化?为解答上述问题,本刊记者于近日先后采访了诺基亚(中国)投资有限公司副总裁刘持金、思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司总裁杜家滨和西门子(中国)有限公司副总裁兼信息通讯网络集团总裁于向国,请他们分别就电信设备市场的现状和前景进行了深入的分析。 Since the beginning of this year, the shadow of global economic slowdown has started to spread to the telecom equipment manufacturing industry. Overinvestment, deteriorating profit indicators, declining credit ratings and cash flow difficulties have caused unprecedented shocks for telecom equipment manufacturers that have been making steady progress over the years. According to the media survey, in the first three months of this year, the global telecommunications industry announced the total number of layoffs has nearly 300,000. Recently, telecom equipment manufacturers have announced the latest quarterly financial statements, the data provided in the statements, many multinational corporations have not yet out of recession. The parties predict that the global telecom equipment manufacturers are still not bottomed out, the weak state of investment may be continued until the end of this year. In this situation, how to view the current situation of the global telecom equipment market? How to predict the future trend of the global telecom equipment market? Telecommunication equipment manufacturers how to adjust themselves to respond to market changes? To answer the above questions, correspondents recently successively Interviewed Liu Zhijin, vice president of Nokia (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Du Jiabin, president of Cisco Systems (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Yu Xianguo, vice president of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. and president of ICT Group, The status quo and prospects for an in-depth analysis.
:10 %和 2 %的复方灭鼠剂 88— 1两种液剂剂型 (即特杀鼠 2号和 3号 ,后略 )及增效剂单剂现场灭鼠试验 ,结果表明 :1增效剂单独灭鼠 ,在农田和农房效果均低于 12 .0 0 % ,不