人类学作为一种边缘性的思维模式和批评方式 ,不仅为西方学界所重视 ,也进入了 2 0世纪中国学者的视野。本文回顾了文学人类学方法在中国文学批评中的早期尝试 ,分析了 2 0世纪中国思想界、文学界在文学人类学这一世界性潮流中的思考与实践 ,并以闻一多、叶舒宪为个案 ,分别对 2 0世纪上下半叶中国文学人类学学者在理论研究与批评实践上的有效结合进行阐述。新时期的文学人类学热潮对作家的创作思维产生了深刻影响 ,并为文学批评家提供了一个更为宏观的世界视野。人类学意识在理论、创作与批评中的多重显现 ,显示出 2 0世纪中国文学界、学术界开拓文学空间的深入努力 ,对推进中国文学的现代化与世界化进程起到了积极作用。
Anthropology as a marginal mode of thinking and criticism, not only for the attention of Western scholars, but also into the 20th century, the vision of Chinese scholars. This article reviews the early attempts of literary anthropology in Chinese literary criticism, analyzes the thinking and practice of Chinese intellectual circles and literary circles in the world trend of literature anthropology in the 20th century, and takes Wen Yiduo, Ye Shuxian Cases, respectively, on the 20th century, the second half of the Chinese literary anthropology scholars in theoretical research and critical practice of the effective combination. The upsurge of literary anthropology in the new era had a profound impact on the author’s creative thinking and provided a more macroscopic world view for literary critics. The multiple manifestations of anthropological awareness in theory, creation and criticism show that in-depth efforts by Chinese literary and academic circles to open up the literary space in the 20th century have played a positive role in promoting the modernization and globalization of Chinese literature.