对外开放思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分 ,它有着丰富的哲学基础。邓小平同志根据辩证唯物主义的时空观 ,指出对外开放是建设有中国特色社会主义的一项基本国策。在认识论方面 ,邓小平同志指出对外开放的一个前提 ,是必须承认我国与发达国家相比 ,差距还很大 ,在开放中 ,从我国基本国情的实际出发 ,有准备、有步骤、有计划、有限度地开放 ,量力而行 ,不能脱离国情。在唯物辩证法方面 ,邓小平同志强调 ,要把独立自主、自力更生与对外开放有机地结合起来 ,引进先进技术和管理经验的同时要增强自身的创新能力。在历史唯物论方面 ,邓小平同志指出了对外开放不会导致资本主义
The thought of opening to the outside world is an important part of Deng Xiaoping Theory. It has a rich philosophical foundation. According to the time-space view of dialectical materialism, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that opening to the outside world is a basic national policy of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. In epistemology, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that one of the preconditions for opening up to the outside world is that we must admit that our country has still a long way to go before the developed countries are developed. In the process of opening up, starting from the reality of our country’s basic national conditions, we must have preparation, steps, plans, Open to the utmost extent, do what one can do without separation from the national conditions. In the field of materialist dialectics, Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized that it is necessary to organically combine independence, self-reliance and opening to the outside world, introduce advanced technologies and managerial experience, and at the same time, enhance our own ability to innovate. In the aspect of historical materialism, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that opening to the outside world will not lead to capitalism