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对比其他跨国公司在中国的成功,微软每个时期在中国的动作都明显慢了一步.这个“慢”,既是微软的风格,也不是微软的风格:对于追求速度的微软来说,这个延迟显然不合情理:但从另一个角度来看,这个“慢”字正是年轻气盛的微软在骨子里的傲慢--由于在全球市场的成功,对中国市场产生的过度自信和不自觉的傲慢.“,”Ten years of presence in China of Microsoft havewitnessed resignations of four general managers, with JackGao the latest one who just quitted the position at the endof April, 2000. In China, however, Microsoft's competi-tors, such as IBM, Motorola and even Oracle enjoy high-flying performances. The real problem? Just look at MicrsoftChina's sales figure and one will know the reason why.The sales revenue of Microsoft China is even smaller thanthat of Microsoft Hong Kong. What is Microsoft thinkingnow? After all, Microsoft has already been in China for 10years and established, Microsoft China, Microsoft ResearchAsia, Technological Support Center Asia, Microsoft Re-search Center and so on. For Microsoft, it is the mostcomplete architecture outside the U.S. But Microsoft is stillcalled a plunderer in China. Who can tell what's wrongwith Microsoft's strateay in China?Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer visit China almost everyyear. Of course, China is very important market forMicrosoft. But inChina, compared withothers multinationalsthat enjoy success,Microsoft always lagsbehind in adapting toChina's real environ-ment. But Microsoft iswell known for itsquickness in pinpoint-ing business opportu-nity. Therefore, theinadaptability is re-garded as the mani-festation of Microsoftinner “arrogance” to-ward Chinese market. That is, Microsoft may think thatChinese market is, though big in population, so small inrevenue that this market could be considered as ineli-gible. IT
目的:评估我国老年人群中的阿尔茨海默病疾病评估量表-认知子量表(Alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale,ADAS-Cog)的结构效度.方法:收集628例正常对照,
这是一个能平衡内心的世界,没有喧嚣吵闹,只有无边 的静谧与和谐。 This is a world that can balance the heart, no noisy noisy, only boundless tranquility and harmon
爱马的男人常把马比喻成月亮——宁静、温柔、浪漫,而马的骨血里不服输的个性又恰好延续了男人好胜的天性。 The man who loves horses often parables into the moon - qui