我的作品题材主要分为三类: 首先是描绘藏族生活的风俗画。 为收集创作素材,我曾到过全国不少地方,最使我激动难忘的是神秘、雄浑的青藏高原,纯朴、虔诚、粗犷、豪迈的藏民,激起我创作的欲望,使我情不自禁的要表现他们。西藏题材,早已有很多画家在描绘,不是新鲜题材,但是每位作者有不同的视角。有自己的独特感受。我对藏区感受最深的是它那诱人的宗教氛闱,灿烂、悠久的藏传佛教艺术,藏民的虔诚信仰。 艺术创作是发于灵感的形象思维,是情理交融的特殊思维方式。在《圣水》这幅画中,我描绘了浩大的礼佛场面,选其一角。敬献完哈达,受到活佛祝福的信男
My works are mainly divided into three categories: the first is a portrayal of the genre paintings of Tibetan life. I’ve been to many places in the country to collect creative materials. What makes me most excited is the mysterious and powerful Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a simple, pious, rough and heroic Tibetans, which aroused my desire to create so I can not help To show them. There are already many painters in Tibet who are not fresh subjects, but each author has a different perspective. Have their own unique feelings. My deepest feelings about Tibet are its seductive religious atmosphere, splendid, long-standing Tibetan Buddhist art, and the devout faith of Tibetans. Artistic creation is inspired by the image of thinking, is a special way of thinking of blending feelings. In “holy water” this picture, I paint a vast ceremony scene, choose one corner. Respectfully finished Hadad, trusted by living Buddha letter male