人体中的微量元素在核酸、激素、酶和维生素的合成或代谢中起着十分重要的作用。一些中药特别是一些滋补药可以补充微量元素。达到调节人体功能的目的。李向高等对人参Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.和西洋参P. quinquefolius L.根中的微量元素作过初
The trace elements in the human body play a very important role in the synthesis or metabolism of nucleic acids, hormones, enzymes and vitamins. Some Chinese medicines, especially some tonics, can supplement trace elements. To achieve the purpose of regulating body functions. Li Xiangdong made early on the trace elements in the roots of ginseng Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. and American ginseng P. quinquefolius L.