
来源 :华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zcf3031132044
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自从16世纪以来,澳门的华文文学和葡文文学构成了互相辉映的并蒂莲,澳门文学包容澳门的华文作品和澳门的葡文作品正是澳门文学举世无双的最大特色,因此,它们将永远地成为莲花地之梦幻岛的传世珍品。80-90年代,澳门四百年的文学稗史揭开了所谓“现代诗”的相当芜杂的篇章。澳门“现代诗”的共同品格就是几乎都有一种怪胎的特性,往往形成先天性失语症候和潜意识受压抑的永远困惑状态,表现为诗意传达的语码涉后甚至严重缺失,以及身陷群体责任感的逃避和面对伟大历史感的退缩。 Since the 16th century, Chinese literature and Portuguese literature in Macao have constituted one another, and the Chinese literature that contains Macao literature in Macao and the Portuguese work in Macao are the unique features of the literature in Macao. Therefore, they will become lotuses forever Dream Island handed down treasures. During the 1980s and 1990s, the history of four centuries of literature in Macao opened the rather obscene chapter of so-called “modern poetry.” The common character of “Modern Poetry” in Macao is that almost all the features of a freak often form the always perplexed state of congenital aphasia and subconscious depression. The poetic expression of codes is even severely absent, Evasion of responsibility and withdrawal in the face of the great sense of history.