朗讯科技近日宣布推出特别针对中国服务供应商日益增长的需求而设计的高性能的 GALAXY 电源系统 GPS 4804C。该电源系统在中国设计、采购和制造,可以满足本地区价格竞争的需求,其前端接入设计允许在不中断服务的前提下方便地安装模块和可热交换器件。由于将高效、先进的交换模式整流技术与流程化的设
Lucent Technologies recently announced the launch of the GPS 4804C, a high-performance GALAXY power system specifically tailored to the growing needs of service providers in China. The power system is designed, sourcing and manufactured in China to meet the price competition in the region. Its front access design allows for easy installation of modules and hot-swappable devices without service interruption. Due to the efficient and advanced exchange mode commutation technology and process design