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电视新闻现场直播是新闻发生的现场、传送和接受都同时进行和完成的一种报道方式。它把新闻由原来的“新近发生事实的报道”变成“正在发生事实的报道”。最大的特点就是新闻发生、报道和观众收看的同步性,最大限度地体现了新闻的“快”与“真”。随着电视传输技术的成熟,尽可能地对新闻特别是突发的重大性事件进行现场直播已经成各电视台追求的一个目标。但是由于新闻事件的现场有着诸多的不确定性,尽管在做直播前都会做各种充分的准备,但是现场直播中的意外还是让我们有时触不及防,甚至是防不胜防。那么如 Live television news is the scene of the news, transmission and acceptance of a way to report at the same time and completed. It turned news from the original “report of recent facts” to “an ongoing factual report.” The biggest feature is the news, reporting and audience synchronization, to maximize the news of the “fast” and “true”. As the technology of television transmission matures, live broadcasting of news, especially sudden and unexpected events as much as possible, has become a goal pursued by all television stations. However, due to the many uncertainties in the scene of the news event, despite all the preparations made before the live broadcast, the accident in the live broadcast has sometimes prevented us from reaching or even prevented it. So as
众所周知的古籍《山海经》,既是古人观察世界的山水物志,也是一部荒诞不经的神怪传说,书中充斥着种种天马行空之怪象异兽,每每读来让人觉得荒唐而又有趣,这也是其不衰的魅力之源。  然而环顾四周,在我们生存的这片土地上,其实每时每刻都在发生着一些甚至更为荒谬离奇匪夷所思的怪现状。这些事情并非是纸页里的传说故事,也不仅仅只是报纸上的头版头条,它是与每一个鲜活的生命和死去的灵魂都息息相关的当下,它有一个统一的