素有“赣北门户”之称的江西九江,成为以上海浦东为龙头的沿江开放城市后,经济建设迅猛发展。市委书记熊承忠在狠抓经济建设的同时,始终关心和支持国防建设,为固我长城倾注了一腔真情和心血。 上任伊始,熊承忠认真履行职责,亲自带领市武委会成员,深入全区12个县(市、区)及部分乡(镇)进行检查指导民兵工作,发现问题及时解决。身为市委书记,他的工作十分繁忙。但军分区每次重大活动,他都要参加,认真履行第一书记的
Known as the “gateway to northern Jiangxi,” said Jiujiang, Jiangxi, Pudong as a leader in Shanghai as an open city along the river, the rapid development of economic construction. Xiong Chengzhong, party secretary, paid close attention to economic construction at the same time, always concerned about and support for national defense construction, solidified my great wall devoted a heart of truth and effort. At the beginning of his term of office, Xiong Chengzhong performed his duties conscientiously and personally led the members of the Municipal Commission of Warfare to conduct inspections and guidance on militia work in 12 counties (cities and districts) and some townships (townships) in the entire district and found the problems solved promptly. As a party secretary, he has a very busy schedule. However, he should attend every major event in the military sub-area and earnestly fulfill the first secretary