In the past 20 years, 2864 cases of appendicitis have been surgically treated in our hospital. In these surgical patients, 4 cases of appendix cancer metastasis and metastatic appendix cancer were found. The 4 rare cases are now reported as follows. Example 1. 44-year-old man with primary right femoral metastasis from appendix adenocarcinoma. In February 1980, she was operated on an “acute appendicitis” in an external hospital. The appendix tumors were found during operation and right hemicolectomy was performed. The pathological diagnosis was appendiceal adenocarcinoma. Two years later, due to the swelling and pain of the right thigh, he was ineffective for 20 days at home with intramuscular injection of streptomycin and streptomycin. There is no history of trauma in the right leg. Physical examination: right inguinal hernia