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广州要发挥珠江三角洲经济建设的“龙头”作用,要建成区域性金融中心,迫切需要一个与之相适应的证券交易中心。由于广东已有深圳证券交易所,即使国家增设第三、第四甚至第五家证券交易所也不可能放在广州,因此广州应谋求与深圳的联合。另一方面,近两年上海证券交易所迅速崛起,其发展已大大超过深交所,尤其是上交所的触角直接插进深交所的腹地——珠江三角洲地区,因此深交所也迫切需要巩固、加强与珠江三角洲经济区的合作。正是在这一背景下,加强穗深证券市场的合作成为近期穗深两地金融界和政界的热门议题。深圳方面希望广州及珠江三角洲其他地区切实支持深交所的发展;而广州经济实力的强劲崛起,提出穗深证券市场联体运作的构想,基本思路是建立深圳证券交易所广州分所,分所由广州市筹建,业务受深交所指导,接受深交所的委托在广州及除深圳外的省内其他地方履行交易所部分职能。笔者认为,从珠江三角洲经济区的建设,从经济发展的客观需要看,建立深交所广州分所对深圳、广州和珠江三角洲地区都是必要的。 To play a “leading role” in the economic construction of the Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou needs to establish a regional financial center and urgently needs a securities exchange center that is compatible with it. Since Guangdong already has the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, it is impossible for Guangzhou to set up a third, fourth and even fifth stock exchange. Therefore, Guangzhou should seek the alliance with Shenzhen. On the other hand, the rapid rise of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the recent two years has greatly exceeded that of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. In particular, the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s tentacles are directly inserted into the Pearl River Delta, the hinterland of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Therefore, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange also urgently needs to consolidate, Pearl River Delta Economic Zone cooperation. It is in this context that strengthening the cooperation in Guangzhou and Shenzhen securities markets has become a hot topic in the financial and political sectors of both Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the near future. Shenzhen hopes that Guangzhou and other parts of the Pearl River Delta will effectively support the development of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. However, the strong rise of Guangzhou’s economy suggests the concept of a joint operation of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The basic idea is to establish a branch in Shenzhen Branch of Guangzhou Stock Exchange Guangzhou City to build, business under the guidance of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange commissioned by the commission in Guangzhou and Shenzhen except elsewhere in the province to perform some of the functions of the exchange. In my opinion, from the objective needs of economic development, the establishment of the Shenzhen branch of the Guangzhou Branch is necessary for Shenzhen, Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta region from the establishment of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.
加速度耐力不良性空中晕厥直接危及飞行安全,处置不当,后果极为严重。笔者就航空军医处置空中晕厥的操作程序作如下探讨。 1 现场处置 1.1 航空军医应随时做好现场救护的一