巧用兴趣辨“左右” 潜移默化促能力——如何在日常教学中渗透对学生“左右”意识的培养

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为了学习序数以及排列图形等方面知识的需要,教材将有关“上下、前后、左右”的教学内容调整在一年级上册第二单元进行教学。在我们的日常教学以及与学生的日常接触中,经常发现多数学生对“上下、前后”的认识还相对比较容易,对“左右”的认识都很模糊,极易把“左右”弄混,甚至有些学生到了二、三年级仍然“左右”不分。这不仅影响了对“序数”数位“等知识的学习,而且对”上下、前后、左右“的认识也是孩子进一步认识三维空间的起点,对培养学生的空间观念起着至关重要的作用。为了提高学生辨别左右的能力,我们在精心设计各种活动,学习过新课内容 In order to learn the ordinal number and arrangement of graphics and other aspects of knowledge needs, teaching materials will be related to ”up and down, before and after, left and right,“ the teaching content adjustment in the first grade on the second unit for teaching. In our daily teaching and daily contact with students, it is often found that most students’ awareness of ”up and down, before and after “ is relatively easy to understand ”left and right “ are very vague, easy to ”Confused, and even some students to the second and third grade is still “ around ”regardless of. This not only affects the study of “ordinal ” digit “and other knowledge, but also the recognition of ” up, down, around, left and right "is also the starting point for children to further understand the three-dimensional space, plays a vital role in cultivating students’ space concept Important role in order to improve the ability of students to distinguish about, we have carefully designed a variety of activities, learning a new lesson content
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