清代 ,辖境的社会治安是地方官的主要职责之一 ,考成极严。辖境发生刑事案件 ,又不能在限内破案 ,地方官就要受到处分。因此 ,在清代 ,特别是清中叶以后 ,遇到辖境发生刑事案件 ,地方官常常隐匿不报或重案轻报。本案在一定程度上也是一起讳盗案件 ,但又不仅仅如此。本案本身并不复杂 ,但从报案到结案用了将近 10年的时间 ,实在出于情理之外 ,而这也正是本案使乾隆帝震怒的原因。本组史料选自馆藏军机处录副奏折 ,反映了乾隆年间社会政治的一个侧面。现予刊布 ,供研究参考。——编选者 吕小鲜
Qing Dynasty, the territory of the jurisdiction of the public security is one of the main duties of local officials, test into a very strict. Under the jurisdiction of the criminal cases, they can not solve the case within the limits, local officials will be punished. Therefore, in the Qing Dynasty, especially after the middle of the Qing Dynasty, when criminal cases occurred in the territory under their jurisdiction, the local officials often insisted on failing to report or reprimanded heavy cases. The case to a certain extent is also a case of taboo theft, but not only that. The case itself is not complicated, but it took quite nearly 10 years from filing to conclusion of the case to come out of reason, and this is why this case made Emperor Qianlong so angry. This group of historical data selected from the collection of military aircraft recorded internship, reflecting one of the social and political aspects of Qianlong years. Now for publication, for research reference. - Editor Xiao-Xiao Lu