,Comparison of Results of Coronary Angioplasty in Patients with Unstable vs. Stable Angina

来源 :岭南心血管病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slzj118
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Objectives To comparethe short and mid - term outcomes in cases of percuta-neous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) inpatients with unstable v stable angina. MethodsPatients selected for PTCA/stenting were divided into two groups, one with stable angina pectoris (SAgroup, n--92) and one with unstable angina pectoris(UA group, n = 112). The outcomes of coronary angiographies (CAG), initial (30-d) success of theprocedure, and follow- up status in the two groupswere compared. Results Baseline characteristicswere similar, although the patients with unstablesymptoms more females ( P< 0.05), and had a higheraverage CCS class ( P< 0.05) and a higher incidenceof postinfarction angina ( P< 0. 01 ). The frequency of"complex" stenosis in patients with unstable anginawas higher than that of patients with stable angina,33% v 20% (P<0.01). A total of 309 vessels accepted the procedure; including 210 stents were successfully delivered to 156 patients. 143 and 67 stentswere implanted in the UA and SA group, respectively(P< 0.01 ). No major complication occurred in thetwo groups, except 12 patients experienced reoccurring chest pain initially, 9 in UA group v 3 in SAgroup ( P< 0.05). The averaged six - month follow -up status was compared too. Only 3 cases developedmyocardial infarction, including 2 patients with unstable angina. 12 and 16 reoccurring chest pains werefound in the two groups, respectively (13% in SAgroup vs 14% in UA group). There were no significant differences between groups in rates of clinicalrestenosis, follow- up angina class, or overall clinicalsuccess. Conclusions Patients with unstable anginareceiving PTCA/stenting have similar complication,restenosis, and initial and midterm success rate ascompared to patients with stable symptoms with strictcases select and careful preparation.
描摹式标题。描摹是运用摹声词、包彩词来摹写对于事物情状的感觉的辞格。摹拟听觉的叫摹声,摹拟视觉的叫摹色。例如《文汇报》1983年4月13日刊登的一则标题: 轰隆隆一声孤
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试验选用黑龙江省四个不同生态类型小麦品种,以A、B、C、D分别代表旱肥型的新克旱九号、抗旱型的东农7742、水肥型的克丰四号和耐湿型的克涝三号,对这四个品种在整个生育期间的叶面积及干物质的动态变化过程进行了系统的研究,同时对它们的产量形成特点及生育进程结构进行了比较分析,结果如下: 各类型品种间主茎叶面积的动态变化存在明显差异,总叶面积、旗叶面积、旗叶下其余叶面积总的趋势以A、B两品种峰值最