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  A Secret GArden of 1)SynAeStheSiA
  Claudia Hammond (Reporter): All around me flowers are blooming and exploding with colour. Their scents are filling the air. It’s a beautiful sunny day here, and hundreds of people have come to enjoy the sights of this flower show. But not everyone is going to experience them in exactly the same way. So I’ve come to meet James. For him, things are not as straightforward as you might expect.
  So James, what actually is synaesthesia? Why are these senses crossing over for people?

  James Wannerton (UK Synaesthesia Association): Synaesthesia is, uh, probably best described as a, as a joining of the senses. And as adults, most people, the majority of people, the senses operate independently. With a synaesthete, you get two senses that are joined together, so some people, they can taste sound, other people can see colours when they…when they hear a sound, they can see wild shapes dancing around in front of their face.
  Claudia: So you have synaesthesia yourself. What, what form does your take?
  James: What I’ve got is I’ve got a sound to taste, and also vision to taste, as well. So when I see certain colours I also get a, a very strong taste.
  Claudia: And so it’s almost as if you have got that actual food in your mouth. You’re not just associating it…
  James: No…no! You see, it’s a real mouth feelin’, so I can…it is actually like I’m really eating something. That’s the 2)peculiar thing for me.
  Claudia: So do you keep getting loads of taste all in a row, then, because there’s loads of different words I’ve just said in that sentence? Would that be all sorts of different tastes?
  James: Yeah, there was bacon in there. There was a, a fruit 3)passel in there as well.

  Claudia: Now I’ve got a much milder form of, of synaesthesia, and I see colours for days of the week. So Monday is red. Today is Friday, so that’s, that’s definitely
  yellow, so I just assumed everybody did, ’cause it’s just the way the world is for me. Is this that how it is for you? It’s just how it is.
  James: Exactly, yeah. It’s so natural. It’s as natural as breathing.

  Claudia: Synaesthesia can come in many different forms. Sounds might be colourful, or taste can even have shapes. Now this may sound a bit odd, but in this tent here, anyone can get a sense of what it’s like for themselves. This is a special garden designed by Sarah Wilson, who experienced synaesthesia as a child.

  What inspired you to do a garden based on synaesthesia?
  Sarah Wilson (Garden Designer): I had heard of the condition, and then I spoke to James. I got some input from him about actual experiences of synaesthetes, and tried to apply those concepts inside the garden, so that it did represent their experiences.
  Claudia: Oh, that was brilliant! And it really did remind me of some of the synaesthetic experiences that people like me and James experience on an every-day basis. It gives everyone the perfect opportunity to try out for themselves this crossingover of the senses.



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