结晶紫内酯开环机理的 ̄(13)CNMR研究

来源 :波谱学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fylnn125
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报道了结晶紫内酯开环机理研究。通过测定开环前后及平衡混合物的 ̄(13)CNMR谱,对结晶紫内酯开环形成的正碳离子结构及影响正碳离子稳定性因素进行了分析。利用开环前后及平衡体系的化学位移数据求得了平衡混合物中内酯态和正碳离子之间的平衡常数.对不同条件下结晶紫内酯开、闭环机制进行了讨论。 Reported the crystal violet lactone ring opening mechanism. By measuring the ~ (13) CNMR spectra of the open-loop and equilibrium mixtures, the structure of the orthocarbon ring formed by the ring opening of the crystal violet lactone and the factors affecting the stability of the positively charged carbon ion were analyzed. The equilibrium constants between the lactone and the carbanion in the equilibrium mixture were obtained by using the chemical shift data before and after the ring opening and the equilibrium system. The open-loop and closed-loop mechanism of crystal violet lactone under different conditions were discussed.
重点推荐:  《逃离》  (加拿大)艾丽丝·门罗 著,李文俊译 北京十月文艺出版社 ¥39.50  生活在物欲充斥下的人们,逃离成为他们内心的情结。逃离不是因为渴望,只是因为厌倦。逃离,不过是短暂的梦幻。  卡拉,18岁从父母家出走,如今又打算逃脱丈夫和婚姻;朱丽叶,放弃学术生涯,毅然投奔于火车上偶遇的乡间男子;佩内洛普,从小与母亲相依为命,某一天忽然消失得无影无踪;格雷斯,已然谈婚论嫁,却在一念