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杨石朗先生是江西省已故著名国画家,是江西省政协第四届、第五届政协委员。在20余年的艺术生涯中,他有幸得到大画家贺天健、吴湖帆的传授与教诲。在全面继承中国画传统笔墨技法的过程中,将传统、生活、创造融为一体,凭着敏悟善感的艺术灵性和厚实的生活积累,创新思维,挥毫运墨,形成了独具特色的青绿山水样式,从而丰富了中国画的形式与内容。他的艺术成就曾得到国画大师李可染,何海霞高度评价。杨石朗先生生于1915年8月8日。2000年3月2日因病逝世。为了纪念这位遐迩闻名的江西名人,使他创意的青绿山水画能为更多的人们所认识,我写了以下文字,以示纪念。——题记 Mr. Yang Shilang is the late famous painter of Jiangxi Province, the fourth and fifth CPPCC member of CPPCC of Jiangxi Province. In more than 20 years of his career, he was fortunate enough to receive the teachings and teachings of the great painters He Tianjian and Wu Hufan. In the process of fully inheriting traditional brushwork techniques of traditional Chinese painting, traditional, life and creation are integrated into one. With the artistic spirit of Min Wu and the thick accumulation of life, innovative thinking and brushing away ink are transported to form a unique landscape of green mountains and rivers Style, thus enriching the form and content of Chinese painting. His artistic achievements have been master of Chinese painting Li Ke, He Haixia spoke highly of. Mr. Yang Shilang was born on August 8, 1915. March 2, 2000 died of illness. In order to commemorate the well-known Jiangxi famous celebrities, so that his creative green landscape painting for more people to know, I wrote the following text, in honor of. --Inscription
目的 了解2017年1月-2018年12月云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州(德宏州)新报告缅甸籍人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者的一般人口学特征和高危行为的
目的 了解辽宁省人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者/艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)病人(简称HIV/AIDS病人)规范化随访现况,并分
罗林,是位才26岁的年轻女民警,共产党员,调进派出所不到两年,可就在她负责的社区,有不少居民会滔滔不绝地向你叙说她与居民打成一片的为民、爱民故事—— 2001年10月,罗林调