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胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中说:“以促进农民增收为核心,发展乡镇企业,壮大县域经济,多渠道转移农民就业。”这段话强调的是“举什么旗,走什么路”的方针路线问题;是关系到建设全面的、和谐的、平衡的小康社会的核心问题;是构建和谐社会的关键问题。纵观全国乡镇企业的发展历程和目前形势,乡镇企业的最大功能和作用是承载广大农民就业、增收、致富梦想的忠实载体,大力发展乡镇企业在解决“三农”问题、帮助农民增收致富、建设社会主义新农村、构建和谐社会中具有重要的意义。 General Secretary Hu Jintao said at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party: “Taking the promotion of peasants’ income as the core, we should develop township and village enterprises, expand the county economy and diversify the employment of peasants.” This passage emphasizes that “what flag to take and what to go Road ”is the core issue that concerns the construction of a comprehensive, harmonious and balanced well-to-do society; it is the key issue of building a harmonious society. Looking at the development history of the township and village enterprises throughout the country and the current situation, the greatest function and function of the township and village enterprises is a loyal carrier carrying the dreams of employment, income growth and prosperity for the vast number of peasants. We will vigorously develop the problems that township and village enterprises solve the problem of “agriculture, countryside and farmers” and help farmers to increase their incomes Enriching and building a new socialist countryside, building a harmonious society is of great significance.
我发现每次上厕所拉的“便便”基本上都是黄色或者黄褐色的,这是为什么呢? A:要了解这个问题,就要看看食物在我们体内的“消化旅程”。食物进入我们 I find that every time
博南古道的发现    “博南古道”被冠以“南方古丝绸之路”的称誉,又被美国著名作家埃德加·斯诺称为“云南的皇家古道”和“通往印度的黄金之路”。事实上“博南古道”是我国南方最早对外进行开放贸易、建交结盟的一条国际大通道。这样一条道路,它和我们所熟知的北方丝绸之路、海上丝绸之路、南方茶马古道等古代交通运输线有着许许多多的相同或者是相似之处,但也存在许多不同的地方。其中不同点,最为突出的地方体现在三个方
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《俄藏黑水城文献》第5册第13页收录了编号为TK318的古籍文献图版,笔者在魏琳师姐整理的基础上参考《俄藏黑水城文献》第6册后附的《附录·叙录》,将文书内容移录如下: “Ti
古巴有种会发光的花,每到夜晚,花儿就开放了,闪烁着明亮的光彩,好像成群的萤火虫在跳舞。可是一到早晨,花儿就凋谢了,漂亮的光彩也不见了。 Cuba has a glowing flower, and
模块化作为一种生产的组织方式,已经有一个多世纪的历史。一般认为,模块化是一种偏重于分工的概念,主要指标准化零部件的分开生产,如哈瓦德·赛蒙—手表的制造。现代意义 Mo