国庆前夕,《汽车与安全》杂志社与北京人艺的老艺术家朱旭、吕齐、金雅琴、著名电视导演周寰、戏剧艺术表演家刘雪涛等北京文化演艺界名人欢聚一堂,共同庆祝共和国诞辰53周年。欢歌笑语声中,老艺术家们谈论了对当前交通安全问题的看法,并对《汽车与安全》“珍惜生命 把握安全”的办刊宗旨表示赞赏。其间,老艺术家们纷纷为杂志题词,提醒广大读者与观众:佳节当前,喜庆莫忘交通安全。本刊记者对人艺老艺术家朱旭、著名电视导演周寰进行了专访。
On the eve of the National Day, the “Car and Safety” magazine celebrated the birth of the Republic 53 with famous artists such as Zhu Xu, Lv Qi and Jin Yaqin from Peking Mansion, Zhou Huan, a famous TV director, and Liu Xuetao, a theater and theatrical artist Liu Xuetao. anniversary. In the song of laughter and laughter, the old artists talked about their views on the current traffic safety issues and expressed their appreciation for the purpose of running the journal “Car and Security” and “cherishing life and ensuring safety.” In the meantime, the old artists have magazine inscriptions to remind readers and the audience: the current festivals, festivities do not forget the traffic safety. Our reporter on the art of old artist Zhu Xu, Zhou Huan, a famous television director conducted an interview.